Travel restrictions and shelter-in-place directives due to the coronavirus pandemic have made in-person mediation difficult to accomplish. Sisco-Law has the ability to conduct mediations via video conference by any party or lawyer who elects to do so.
Here are some important features of the Zoom video conferencing app:
1. Zoom allows for the creation of private caucus rooms, as well as a main room for all participants. The Zoom host can determine and control which participants are allowed access to the separate caucus rooms, thereby maintaining complete confidentiality throughout the mediation.
2. Each participant can attend through his or her own computer (laptop or desktop). No two participants need be together to be able to access the mediation.
3. Zoom is compatible with iOS and Windows operating systems.
4. There is no additional cost to the mediation participants. Each participant need only download the application to be able to access the Zoom connection established for each mediation.
If you wish to schedule a mediation in which one or more parties will attend and participate by Zoom, simply advise my assistant at the time you schedule the mediation. We then can provide you all the information and internet links that will be required for the video attendance.
