Apparently it does. Unlike the rest of the country, applications for DEA registrations in Florida for independent pharmacies are being significantly delayed for applicants who belong to ethnic minorities. Virtually every day I receive calls from middle eastern, west African and Asian applicants who are forced to endure months of delays, and the corresponding financial hardships, while the DEA has their applications for registration "under review".
Remember that a pharmacy must have a State license before a DEA application can be submitted. This requires the independent pharmacy to lease and build out space, install security and buy necessary equipment (computers, shelving, fax machines, etc.). The DEA applicant must pay the overhead on this space while the DEA application is pending. It often seems as if the DEA is deliberately trying to bleed these applicants financially rather than to assess and act on the merits of the applications.
Correspondence with the DEA is typically ignored. The DEA will rarely provide applicants with status information or a timetable for action. Recently, these delays are blamed on understaffing. Hopefully Congress will pass HR4069 which will require the DEA to refocus its priorities on guidance and corrective action before the initiation of Orders to Show Cause.